We Give Thanks

Did you open your gift?!

Speaker: | December 25, 2018

INTRODUCTION: People normally wait for Christmas with anticipation. Certainly when it comes to Christmas gifts, we have all experienced that at one stage or another in our lives. As we mature, as born again believers...

What are you waiting for?!

What are you waiting for?!

Speaker: | December 23, 2018

INTRODUCTION: Children have a hard time waiting for Christmas. Here are some actual letters that were written to Father Christmas or Santa Claus as he is also known: Dear Santa Claus, When you come to...

Thank You Power!

Thank You Power!

Speaker: | December 09, 2018

SCRIPTURE READING: John 11:35-44 AB (35)  Jesus wept. (36)  The Jews said, See how He loved him! (37)  But some of them said, Could not He Who opened a blind man’s eyes have prevented this man...

Preparing the Ground

Preparing the Ground

| December 02, 2018

SCRIPTURE READING: Matthew 13:3-8 INTRODUCTION: Various studies have shown that the condition and preparation of soil when planting any crops, vegetables, fruit trees or even plants is vital. The state of the soil will determine...

Real Gratitudes

Real Gratitudes

Speaker: | November 25, 2018

SUMMARY: Our theme for November is ‘We give thanks’. We are looking at gratitude. The title of last week’s message was: “GRATITUDE – HOW TO BE THANKFUL IN TOUGH TIMES!” I shared five keys with...