Possess The Promised Land

Joshua 1:1-3 NKJV:
(1) After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, it came to pass that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses’ assistant, saying:
(2) “Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them—the children of Israel.
(3) Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses.
Joshua 1:2 NLT:
“Moses my servant is dead. Therefore, the time has come for you to lead these people, the Israelites, across the Jordan River into the land I am giving them.
Joshua 1:2 AOV:
My kneg Moses is dood; maak jou dan nou klaar, trek deur hierdie Jordaan, jy en hierdie hele volk, na die land wat Ek aan hulle, die kinders van Israel, sal gee.
2018 is a new season. It is time for new beginnings and new opportunities!
It is up to us as His children to obey the Word of God and to receive His promises by faith! The new things that God is going to do will not be things that any man can do!
The world will be compelled to say: “That is God! No man can do this!”
God is about to do something in your life that you don’t have, something new!
God is ready! Are you ready!
Our lives are a series of preparation. They are moments that prepare us for a time like this. Our past was training and development. There are lessons in each experience we go through. It is important to keep our spiritual radar on so that we don’t miss what God is saying to us in this season. We must remember, it is not about us, it is about God!
God makes a covenant with us. God keeps His promises to us. God reveals His will to us. God expects us to remain focused on whatever has been spoken. God empowers His faithful people to accomplish His will. And no matter what the odds, God is, always has been and will always be one hundred percent reliable. There’s absolutely no sane reason not to believe God and obey his commandments. It’s not about us. It’s about God!
God is looking for men and women who are willing to do what He created them to do.
We know that Moses sent out 12 spies into the Promised Land. When they returned to give their report; they summoned the congregation of Israel which was made up of murmuring, covetous, doubtful and feeble people. Joshua and Caleb stood out from the people who saw themselves as grasshoppers in the sight of their enemies. These two men stood for God. This is the generation God is seeking for. He is looking for people like Joshua and Caleb today! The people that will depend wholly on the hands that holds the universe. The generation that will trust God and his power always. They can be likened to Joshua generation. God is looking for people with the right attitude of heart.
I believe that we are the generation that will enter into the Promised Land. We are the people that will cross over the Jordan and take possession of the Promised Land. God is looking seriously for the men and women of faith like Joshua and Caleb. Remember that those who look to the past and fear the present is certain to miss the future.
Faith is a winning force. It is an evidence of things unseen. Once it settles in the heart,
fear flies away. Are you among the ‘faith and optimistic classes who are eager to possess the lands, families and nations for the Lord? We are men and women of substance,
who only trust in the Divine Hand not financial build-ups, personal ego, intellectual abilities or worldly influence.
Joshua 1:2 NKJV:
“Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them—the children of Israel.
Moses’ season is over. It is a new season for you and me. You got to be willing to walk in your season. You can’t walk in the past or in somebody else’s season. We need to move when God says move. This is about faith. Our blessing is on the other side of the Jordon.
It is on the other side of fear or complacency. This takes crazy faith.
It is not just about you. Verse 2 also says that ‘all this people’ must go.
Our decision impacts God’s people. Our decision not to go will affect God’s people.
We can hinder others from getting their breakthrough. This is bigger than you and me.
If God tells you to go, he is counting on you to take people with you.
A born-again child of God only needs a Word from God in order to go. You might not have the money, the land, the tuition, or anything else, but when you hear the Word that tells you to go, you just go! Wherever your faith will stretch you, your feet will take you,
and when your feet take you God will give it to you.
When God tells you a thing, you are going after it.
When God speaks a thing in your life, it becomes a promise.
He doesn’t speak suggestions. When God speaks it to you, it is promise, he blesses it,
and then it will become a done deal.
One who walks with God always gets to his destination.
The Joshua generations are those who are willing to obey God perfectly.
John 14:24 NLT:
Anyone who doesn’t love me will not obey me. And remember, my words are not my own. What I am telling you is from the Father who sent me.
We love to do all God’s commandments. Remember, half obedience is disobedience. Men and women who trust in God and submit themselves to him are the ones He delights in; and they receive heavens back-up. God is looking for men and women that will love and obey Him completely. That is what Joshua did!
Joshua 11:15 MSG
Just as GOD commanded his servant Moses, so Moses commanded Joshua,
and Joshua did it. He didn’t leave incomplete one thing that GOD had commanded Moses.
Numbers 13:30 NKJV:
Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said,
“Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.”
One with God is in the majority! When a child of God makes a move, God will stand by him. God will also move on his behalf. The church ruled by the flesh will have no solution to people’s problems for the arm of the flesh easily fails. It takes courage to stand up and move by faith when circumstances are impossible!
Hebrews 10:38 NKJV
Now the just shall live by faith;
But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.”
The Joshua generation are men and women of vision.
Because of their vision, they can inspire life and change the atmosphere from worse
to best. They are originators and can discern the future. They seek to succeed in God’s way. Vision is a vital link to success. It is a tool for finding direction. Your vision determines how far you can go. A visionless mind is a confused one. When we have vision, we see everything in the proper perspective. Only the vision of Christ sustains in crisis.
Proverbs 29:18 AB:
Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish; but he who keeps the law [of God, which includes that of man]–blessed
(happy, fortunate, and enviable) is he.
God is still looking for people that can represent Him in this polluting and decaying world. – People that will help in establishing the righteousness of God in this land and nation. Because God reigns, there should be no territory for the devil to dominate. As we are in the final hour, we must be in the winning, faithful and courageous team. God is about to thrust eternal responsibilities in our Hands. God has given us the land. So let’s arise and possess it in power, might, righteousness and strength – for his grace is sufficient for us.
Remember that 2018 is a new season.
Isaiah 43:19 MSG
Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out!
Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.
It is a year of new beginnings in many ways! God is shifting things in place in the spirit for you! New strategies, new desires, same day manifestations, sudden acceleration, no more delays, a season of freshness, fresh anointing. New moves of God in new ways and new revelation about God’s nature, His ways and His kingdom! There will be new vision to take cities and regions for God and new prophetic insight!
God will be everywhere! Holy Spirit fire will fall from heaven, releasing the glory of God like never before on this earth! Glory storms are coming! Limitations are being lifted! God is removing the things stopping you. Addictions, patterns, weaknesses in your life will be destroyed and removed because of the love and the grace of God! Sickness and disease will be removed. You will be delivered and made whole spirit, soul and body!
God is now answering prayers! Some have been praying for many years!
God is now answering those prayers! You are rising to new levels. Promotion is coming!
God is giving people new Kingdom financial strategies. Money is being transferred!
The wealth of the wicked is being transferred to the righteous! (Proverbs 13:22)
Billionaires are going to be raised up by God within His plan and purpose.
These billionaires are people who probably cannot even pay their rent right now!
New divine ideas will be given to God’s children.
Gates of authority will be re-established. God is opening a gateway in the spirit over you right now and nobody can close it! The door is open – go through in faith!
Possess the Promised Land!
Remember, some people complain because God put thorns on roses, while others praise Him for putting roses among thorns. Be courageous like Joshua for God has already established you to possess the gates of your enemies. Be a winner like Joshua today.
Joshua 1:3 NKJV:
Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses.
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